7.12.12 Carey on Tap Dancing

When I was growing up, one of my very favourite films was Ace Ventura. It was in the years before Jim Carey’s hair brained shtick grew slightly thin and he still had that impish glint in his eye. A real testament to how committing to an absurd plot really makes it work. As a result of my love for this slightly ridiculous film, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Jim Carey, after all, how can you not admire someone who is always ‘on’.

I’ve stated often that the idea of this blog was never to post ‘facts’ as a standalone point, but this one was so interesting that I couldn’t resist.


As a child, Jim Carey slept in tap dancing shoes in case he needed to wake up and entertain his parents.

That as a standalone piece of information shows you exactly where that childish glint comes from, an innate desire to entertain and see people smile. And I thought it too good not to share!