24.12.12 It’s Christmas Eve and I’ve Only Wrapped 2 Presents

Now I’ve told you of my love for Christmas, I will let you in on a little secret, I love Christmas Eve nearly as much. It’s rare that I don’t have to shake out the cobwebs on Christmas Day after a late night drinking and dancing with friends – it has become as much a tradition as turkey with all of the trimmings.

But while I revel in catching up with friends and looking forward to nursing my hangover with roast potatoes, many nationalities actually have their main festivities on the 24th instead of the 25th! In Scandinavia, Christmas Eve is actually short hand for Christmas Evening and is reflected by them celebrating on the night of the 25th. This is also true in Germany, Poland and Austria. Some of Eastern Christianity celebrates as early as the 6th in correlation to Epiphany, with others such as Ethiopia and Georgia celebrating in mid-January in sync with the Gregorian calendar.


The basis for this change in celebration time is that the original Christian calendar called for days to begin at sunset. Ie. when the sun sets on the 24th it became the 25th. Overtime this has led to an increased importance for many on midnight mass!

So as I tuck into a few festive drinks, I’ll raise a glass to all those around the world who celebrate differently and are arm in arm with family members, over eating and exchanging gifts.