23.12.12 Christmas Dinner Winner

This year’s Christmas meal was doomed from the outset. Seeing how much effort my mother puts in every year, I declared last year that I would take up the mantle this December 25th and would cook the traditional roast dinner. And now, quite frankly, I am bricking it!! That means that to be on top of things I have to get a head start, as a result I am going to prep a few things in advance. The first one up is the red cabbage that my family is partial to. The only problem is that I don’t actually have a recipe to stick to. I know the gist of what’s in it, but I will have to dig into the BBC Food directory to teach me how to get it done.


50g/2oz butter
1 medium onion, finely sliced
2 dessert apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1kg/2¼lb red cabbage, finely sliced
100g/4oz sultanas or raisins
200ml/7fl oz sherry vinegar
salt and freshly ground pepper


Preparation method

Melt the butter in a stainless steel or flameproof casserole over a medium heat (an aluminium pan will not work for this).
Fry the onion in the butter for three minutes, then add the apple and cabbage.
Cook for five minutes or so, until softened, then add the sultanas and the sherry vinegar.
Place a lid on the pan and cook for one hour, until all the vegetables are just tender.
Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and replace the lid. Continue to cook until the cabbage is tender and all the liquid has evaporated. This dish will keep for several days, covered, in the fridge. Simply heat it up again when ready to serve.

I’m off to heat my pan, cross my heart and hope that this meal all goes to plan. After all, there’s only Christmas riding on it.