27.12.12 Charity Begins at Home Pt.12

Just before we go, there’s time for one last charity learning and at Christmas what better place to look than the big piece of nature that is sat in the corner that you now have no idea what to do with. I’m talking about that festive essential, the Christmas Tree.


All across the country, different councils and organisations are organising charity fundraising for people donating or recycling their used Christmas trees. In Nottingham, Veolia Environmental Services will donate £100 for every 50 tonnes of trees and green waste donated in January towards the local hospital. In Henley, you can have your tree disposed of for a £2 donation to Henley in Bloom. There are literally a ton of these all over the UK and it’s a great way of dealing with a hard household waste disposal whilst also donating to charity.

Go on, have a little google of your local town and village and find a charity you can support.


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