25.12.12 Continental Christmas Cheer

Most families have crackers at Christmas, for many it wouldn’t be Christmas without them. As much a part of them as the papery, ridiculous hat and the plastic toy that no one wants, is an awful joke that barely causes a ripple of consolation laughter. Most families have that. Well this year, not mine!


Instead our rather grand crackers contained the compulsory shoddy gift offering, a paper hat that Lucy very quickly tried to hide, but no joke anywhere insight. Instead we were treated to rather random facts that were vaguely related to Christmas. So that I can let you down as much as I have been, the below was my offering:

In Spain, Greece and Italy, employees by law receive a compulsory Christmas bonus of a whole month’s salary – Feliz Navidad indeed. There economies may well be in the toilet but they can celebrate Christmas without worrying… AND they have good weather? I may need to move.


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