22.12.12 Shop until you Drop

Everyone rushes around at this time of year in a mad dash to get all of their shopping in time for the Christmas break. I’ve done all of mine, thanks for asking. In fact for the first year I’ve even wrapped all of my presents before Christmas evening. But many people haven’t, just ask my dad who every year falls into the trap of doing it all at the last minute in a mad rush.


If you ignore the 60m trees that are grown in Europe each year for Christmas, or that their needles are rich in vitamin C, I think the most amazing fact that I have heard about Christmas relates to our panic shopping. Today, in the UK, it is estimated that of the approximately 75million odd UK residents (a proportion of whom won’t celebrate Christmas or are young), 13 million people will grace the high street shopping.

I think you’ll agree, an incredible testament to our consumerism!!


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